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wii miidia y softmii

Buenas buscando cosillas por la web he encontrado esto sobre un reproductor multimedia para la wii por lo poco que he visto y he podido entender puesto que mi ingles es bastante corto el reproductor en si tiene muy buena pinta

Aunque despues de buscar por varios foros no he conseguido encontrar nada que certifique si existe o no existe este reproductor puesto que al parecer por lo que pone en los foros salia en febrero y ahora dicen que en junio o algo asi y mi pregunta es si alguien sabe si es cierto o no es cierto lo de este reproductor puesto que parece bastante bueno por lo que se especifica aqui

aqui dejo lo que pone sobre el reproductor wii miidia y una de las paginas en las que saque la informacion gracias

After months of coding and porting and ripping and rewriting Wii Miidia
as I like to call it is about to be released into the wild. I have a
few people beta testing it now and helping me work out some bugs. Wii
Miidia is something that many people I hope will enjoy as I put alot of
time and effort into this project.

Wii Miidia as you can guess is a Media Center for the Nintendo Wii
based off of XBMC. Since the Wii comes with it's own Weather Channel I
had decided to strip the weather functions from Wii Miidia. There are
still a few bugs that I am trying to work out but one of the best
features this offers in my opinion is the ability to listen to
Shoutcast Radio on the Wii. Right now this only supports streaming
files and files stored on the SD Card, however since there is recent
developments by SVPE I hope to be able to include USB Storage devices
as well in the future.

Video Support:

Audio Support:
AAC, MP3, WMA, WAV, OGG, MID and more.

Controls Are:

A = Play
B = Pause/Resume
- = Previous Song/Chapter
+ = Next Song/Chapter
Dpad Left = Rewind
Dpad Right = Fast Forward
Dpad Up = Change Aspect Ratio (NTSC/PAL/Wide/Standard)
Dpad Up + B = Zoom In
Dpad Down = Change Visual in Audio mode / Change Subtitle in DVD Mode
Dpad Down + B = Zoom Out
Home = Settings Menu
1 = Return to Main Menu
2 = Return Previous Menu
Power = Shutdown Wii

Wii Miidia will at first be released as .elf and will need to be ran
via TP Hack, Homebrew Channel or any other way you like to load your
ELF files, However the final version will come in .elf and as a channel
for those who would like easy access to the application. Well that is
all for right now I hope to have this cleaned up and released for
everyone in the next few days. I would like to also thank bushing for
all of his hard work as well as the rest of the guys from #wiidev and without them I never would have been able to get this done.


Tambien he visto en la pagina de SOFTMII que para el dia 24 de este mes sacan la version 3.0 que vendra con muchas mejoras gracias

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Imagen de _Kamikaze_

todo lo que he encontrado de

todo lo que he encontrado de ese reproductor es del año pasado asi que supogo que se suspendió...

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